
2016年 12月 18日

便り/ Bulletin

Announcement: Due to Pastor Huggins being suddenly called out of town, the Sunday school hour is canceled. For the worship service Deacon Kubota will choose a CD message. Next week, Lord willing, both services will be held as normal. 




 Due to changes in Google storage policies,  some audio files, sermon notes, and bulletins, are no longer accessible. For those who wish to obtain a specific file which is not available, please use the contact form to contact Pastor. He will reply as soon as possible.

2016年 12月 04日

便り/ Bulletin

   実りの時間/Sunday School:  


2016年 08月 16日


✔︎ ハギンズ牧師夫妻は18日に福岡から出発し、牧師は、オレゴン州のポートランド市にあるトリニティー聖書教会(TBC)での821日の朝と夜のメッセージ、そして、TBCとヒルクレスト聖書教会(HBC)の共同ファミリ・キャンプのスピーカーとして招待されています。それは8月22日〜25日に行われる予定です。全部で10のメッセージを語ります。テーマは:旧約聖書からの新約聖書の落ち穂。帰りは軽井沢の姉、そして母を訪ねます。9月4日には茨城にある「キリスト者の集い」の皆さんと交わり、メッセージを語る予定です。夫妻は5日に帰宅する予定です。

✔︎ ハギンズの不在の間、実りの時間を休み、礼拝のみを行います。21日と9月4日のメッセージは渕瀬兄弟が語られる予定です。

✔︎ 9月11日の実りの時間と礼拝を通常通りに行う予定です。

✔︎ 次の木曜日の学び会、及び、祈祷会を9月15日に行う予定です。


2016 Trinity Bible Church/Hillcrest Bible Church Summer Family Camp

Following are sermon notes (landscape format) for 10 messages to be delivered by Pastor Huggins at the combined Family Camp of Trinity Bible Church (TBC) and Hillcrest Bible Church (HBC). Family Camp will kick off with two messages on Sunday AM and PM of August 21 at TBC. The remaining eight messages will then be delivered during the dates of Family Camp as follows: 

A word of instruction to assist those who choose to use the following notes, but first an apology if the notes distract or are a hindrance because of the clutter. They were put together in order to assist Pastor Huggins in recalling important points by way of easy-to-notice colors. The color code is defined as follow:

purple the character and activity of God the Father, the color purple representing royalty or kingship. White font represents His perfections and holiness.

red = the character and activity of God the Son, the color red representing His blood. White font represents His perfections and holiness.

blue = the character and activity of God the Holy Spirit, the color blue taken from Christ's comparison of the Holy Spirit to wind, in John 3. White font represents His perfections and holiness.

grey = the original and natural state of man before the work of the Holy Spirit ending in salvation.

black = believers, yet in their earthly bodies beset with many weaknesses. White font represents the believer's sanctification in spite of.

yellow = points to be emphasized

bold purple underline = standing on Person and work of the sovereign God
bold red underline = standing on the Person and work of Christ.
bold blue underline = standing on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit

green italics = quotes

I hope you will join me in the following prayer as we look to the Lord for the Summer Family Camp.

O LORD. We join together in asking that truth would be free
to make her sorties upon us all, which way You please.
Guide our minds for your designs. We ask that,
nothing smothers truth’s golden beams. (Spurgeon)